Saturday, July 19, 2008


Nodding is a difficult task for Aidan. He loves to say no (冇呀) in Cantonese and shake his head to reject what he doesn’t want. MaMa wants him to have more positive attitude and say “yes”. Finally, he could do last night. He wanted to get “NeNe” and he was asked to nod the head and answering “Yes” in Cantonese. He was willing to follow the instruction to do so. Well done, Aidan.

再利用一個週末跟雩雩練習點頭及表達“是”的意思,他已經學會講“係”、 “要”,不再老是在搖頭回答“冇呀”,當然很多時候都要引導他回答媽媽想要表達的意思,但他願意去做又做到便是成功的第一步。


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