Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rolling Over

He tried to turn aound when he was in hospital. After he was dischrged from hospital, he did it at home.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Aidan had fever and bloody stool. When MaMa took him to see the doctor, he was suggested to have further check-up in hospital. He was suspect to have chicken pox on intestines. Poor Aidan, he was not allowed to be fed. After two days, he was allowed to be breast-fed. His bloody stool was occured again. Doctor suspected he suffered salmonella. However, the test result would take few days. PaPa and MaMa were waiting it long. Finally, it is certified that Aidan suffered Salmonella.

MaMa worked in office in daytime and went to hospital after work every weekday and stayed at weekend. Aidan and MaMa had a first Mother's Day in hospital.

After 8 days treatment. Aidan was recovered and discharged from hospital to home. MaMa gave Aidan to wear an organe bodysuit

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chicken Pox

Autie Girlie had recovered. However, Aidan had been infected. We could see chicken pox on his face, body, legs and hands.

The Milk Bank is full

It was too full of the milk bank. The solution was "give up" some oldest packs. April 2007

PaPa worked at home

Auntie had chicken pox and stayed at Grandpa's place in the late April. MaMa had just return to work after the maternity and annual leave. PaPa worked at home to take care Aidan. PaPa took a picture showing to MaMa how much milk Aidan had taken. April 2007


請不要擔心,他不是病了,只是爸爸抱住他睡了,怕坐近窗邊大風會吹到沒有頭髮的他,於是放了紗巾在他頭上作保護吧。April 2007


When Aidan was 3 months old, he went to barbecue with papa and mama in Sai Kung. His food/drink was only "Milk". No grilled food was allowed to him. March 2007


Monday, May 12, 2008

Development on schedule

By the end of March 2007, Aidan was on the track of his development. He might see/play his hands, smiling to people and carrying something
March 2007

Weight Gain

On 1 March 2007, Aidan had regular check-up at MCHC. His weight was 3.69kg.


大家很關心雩雩,擔心他年記小體重比較輕,身體單薄會怕出街天氣冷受外面環境影響,所以我們到滿兩個才慶祝。 4 March 2007

Music Mobile

PaPa and MaMa bought a music mobile during CNY holiday to Aidan. He love to listen the music and look at the mobile moving. February 2007


Aidan was full and satisfied after feeding. 15 February 2007

Have a Walk

MaMa took Aidan to have a walk at downstair. 9 February 2007


一滿月爸爸媽媽便帶小天雩返教會了。媽媽希望日後辛苦仍然會堅持帶雩雩返教會,因為我們是不可以停止聚會。 4 February 2007

Is Aidan wearing a mask?

MaMa didn’t want to give pacifier to Aidan. However, he cried a lot when he was 3 to 4 weeks old. We showed some pictures to friends and got an interesting comment. Aidan looked like wearing a mask because his face/head was too small to compare with the pacifier. Luckily, we just gave him a pacifier for a short period about 2 weeks. 2 February 2007

Regular Check-up at MCHC

Aidan was 3.07kg at 1 month old. He gained weight 0.94kg from 2.13kg. The nurse said Aidan had caught up well. Well Done!
後記: 爸爸媽媽很喜歡雩雩穿著這件「斑點狗」衫,很可愛。
31 January 2007

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Aidan is one month old

We decided to have a 2-month old dinner celebration instead of doing it when he was 1 month old. 29 January 207

How small is Aidan?

We can see how small Aidan is from the comparison with MaMa's hand. January 2007

Does he look like Father?

People said Aidan look like PaPa very much. He is a little “Stephen”. Let's see January 2007

First Bathing by PaPa

PaPa learned to bath Aidan on 6 January 2007 because Auntie Mei Chun won’t come on coming Sunday. Aidan cried a bit at the beginning, he finally accepted PaPa’s bathing style. January 2007