Aidan had a medical appointment early in the morning with Dr Leung. He has grown up because he walked around in the clinic and played what he wanted, e.g. riding the horse toy and pushing the kid’s chair
We have dinner in a Japanese Restaurant because Auntie Doris came back HK for a few days holiday. Aidan had a happy dinner because he crawled and played in the restaurant. We met a very kind waitress who is a mother of ten years old son. She played with Aidan and showed him the ordering systems when PaPa and MaMa were having dinner and chatting with Auntie and Uncle.
Breakfast Time
We had breakfast at McDonald. PaPa bought a toy to Aidan and let him playing when having breakfast. However, he only played it around 5 minutes and then he threw it on floor. As usual, he wanted to talk and play with people sitting around him. Finally, he finished half bowl of his oatmeal breakfast.
Gymboree Level 3
Aidan is already 16 months old. He is ready to the Level 4 class of his learning program in Gymboree. Teacher Payne gives a progress report to MaMa after finishing the class today. Payne is very nice. I think Aidan will miss her much.
Comments from Teacher Payne:
My Favorite Gymboree Activity – Aidan enjoys all the activities in class. I believe his favorite is the spontaneous activities since he is always one of first coming forward to join. His action has encouraged the other to participate as well.
One of my Gymboree Milestones – Aidan has developed great mobility over the past few months. He now travels very fast, he can easily climb up steep inclines, his balancing skill is exceptionally. Good ! Hooray!
In the nest level, I should focus on …. – In Level 4, children will be learning a lot of simply concepts like: up/down; in/out; big/little. Aidan has good attention spam and the interest in new things, he is going to master the concepts easily !
General Comment – Aidan is a cute happy boy. He claps his hands when he is happy, he waves hello and sometimes show affection to others, and he also shares! It is great to have him and his supportive family in class!
Comments from Teacher Payne:
My Favorite Gymboree Activity – Aidan enjoys all the activities in class. I believe his favorite is the spontaneous activities since he is always one of first coming forward to join. His action has encouraged the other to participate as well.
One of my Gymboree Milestones – Aidan has developed great mobility over the past few months. He now travels very fast, he can easily climb up steep inclines, his balancing skill is exceptionally. Good ! Hooray!
In the nest level, I should focus on …. – In Level 4, children will be learning a lot of simply concepts like: up/down; in/out; big/little. Aidan has good attention spam and the interest in new things, he is going to master the concepts easily !
General Comment – Aidan is a cute happy boy. He claps his hands when he is happy, he waves hello and sometimes show affection to others, and he also shares! It is great to have him and his supportive family in class!
今天雖然不是父親節,媽媽同樣感覺到爸爸的愛,就是透過與老爸同小兒去DisneyLand的一天令我看見了,老爸的腳已經不大中用,走了幾小時的路都應該累了,可是他好像只記得自己的孫兒走得路多會累,經常主動抱一下孫兒,還有主動說去排隊與孫兒玩“小飛象”, 排著長隊有10多分鐘只玩得大約2分鐘的遊戲也沒怨言。最後我們並沒有走完整個樂園便離去,也沒有買任何紀念品,只是平淡的走了樂園的一部份,但大家好像已很滿足的離去,是心靈的滿足,不是肉體。﹝後記:雩雩在回家途中食過麵包飽了,在車上已睡,回家不需要飲奶了;而媽媽肚子有點餓要吃烏冬寫完blog才睡;而爸爸駕駛了一天接送後有點兒累去睡覺了。﹞
第一份的母親節禮物是雩雩在幼稚園親子班的勞作,很可惜媽媽不能在平日與他上親子班,亦未能親眼看見,親身參與與他一同製作這份禮物,只是下班回家後看見的已完成的作品,當然他仍未能有能力自己動手完成這份作品,大部份的製作是由Auntie Girlie幫忙完成。
佛誕公眾假期 人生的第一次到沙灘
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