Sitting on the drum as a chair.
He could walk without holding our hands. Great!!!! Although, he only did it at home or gymboree. MaMa believed that he could do it outside in the very near future.
We were invited to join the birthday party of Ashley. MaMa hopes she can held a birthday party for Aidan in future.
The first Dr Kong’s shoes for Aidan is a gift from Auntie Effie. When it was broken, he was still learning to walk. Then we bought the second one. However, it was broken again. We bought the third pair which was the last pair finally because he could walk well in May.
Thanks the Daddy and Mummy of Takumi as they took many pictures for us. PaPa and MaMa were lazy to take the Cannon 40D camera to Gymboree.

A Sat afternoon after the gymboree playgroup. We went to the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (HKZBG) .


20/4/2008 爸爸的同事公司開張大吉,雩雩當然跟爸爸媽媽出席到訪一下,到達後見到好靚的花,當然會去睇咔掂吓,最重要是Auntie給他無線keyboard,這個是雩雩的至愛,玩得好開心。
20/4/2008 爸爸的同事公司開張大吉,雩雩當然跟爸爸媽媽出席到訪一下,到達後見到好靚的花,當然會去睇咔掂吓,最重要是Auntie給他無線keyboard,這個是雩雩的至愛,玩得好開心。
26/4/2008 幼兒園面試
今天天氣清爽雩雩比平日遲了一點起床,差不多9時起床,吃過早餐後便更換衣服去嶺南幼兒園面試,穿好衣服後在家行一會兒等待爸媽預備好便出發。幼兒園面試當日人很多,到達後交付報名費$30,便有老師拖住雩雩入課員室,老師只花了1至2分鐘與他交談便完成了面試。接著是爸爸與雩雩留在課室玩,媽媽去了聽講座,花了差不多講座45分鐘時間完了講座已經是11:45。因為趕不及到Gymboree上playgroup,於是跟媽媽的同事Auntie Elaine一家人去了合和中心午餐。當然只顧玩的雩雩只吃了5小匙飯便一直在玩,看見Auntie Elaine個囝囝即希希哥哥玩就照跟住他的動作,可惜他沒有學習哥哥大口大口的食嘢。
今天天氣清爽雩雩比平日遲了一點起床,差不多9時起床,吃過早餐後便更換衣服去嶺南幼兒園面試,穿好衣服後在家行一會兒等待爸媽預備好便出發。幼兒園面試當日人很多,到達後交付報名費$30,便有老師拖住雩雩入課員室,老師只花了1至2分鐘與他交談便完成了面試。接著是爸爸與雩雩留在課室玩,媽媽去了聽講座,花了差不多講座45分鐘時間完了講座已經是11:45。因為趕不及到Gymboree上playgroup,於是跟媽媽的同事Auntie Elaine一家人去了合和中心午餐。當然只顧玩的雩雩只吃了5小匙飯便一直在玩,看見Auntie Elaine個囝囝即希希哥哥玩就照跟住他的動作,可惜他沒有學習哥哥大口大口的食嘢。
Lovely “NeNe”
Aidan has many “sleeping partner” and name of these toys as “NeNe”. This is his language to call his sleeping partner as “NeNe” because we haven’t taught him to say it. The dog is one of his favorite partner. Apart from holding them, he always bites the nose of them. Finally, it is broken.
Aidan has many “sleeping partner” and name of these toys as “NeNe”. This is his language to call his sleeping partner as “NeNe” because we haven’t taught him to say it. The dog is one of his favorite partner. Apart from holding them, he always bites the nose of them. Finally, it is broken.
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