December is Aidan’s birthday month. PaPa and MaMa took Aidan to join the playgroup in Gymboree as we wanted to stimulate his motor development. He was in level 3 play class and enjoyed the classes and playing with teacher Payne. He was more active after taking few classes, e.g he tried to climb up to sofa. Apart from the learning from playgroup, he made friend with Takumi.

PaPa and MaMa are used to have Christmas Eve worship in church. 2007 was a special year as Aidan was 1 year old and he had a “嬰兒奉獻禮”. Thanks God. Aidan is a gift from God. He brings us a lot of joys and makes our life fruitful although we had difficult times since MaMa had been confirm to be pregnant. We experience God to lead us to walk through those difficult. More challenges are waiting ahead but we enjoy the parenting life.
Auntie Doris and Uncle Marco had a home trip in HK during Christmas holidays. We had a gathering at home. We did a lot of sharing including the parenting experience.

Besides, we had family gathering. Both grandfathers came to have big Christmas dinner and celebrate Aidan's birthday at home. Aidan got birthday gifts from uncles and aunties. Another good new from Auntie Carmen, she was pregnant.
PaPa and MaMa are used to have Christmas Eve worship in church. 2007 was a special year as Aidan was 1 year old and he had a “嬰兒奉獻禮”. Thanks God. Aidan is a gift from God. He brings us a lot of joys and makes our life fruitful although we had difficult times since MaMa had been confirm to be pregnant. We experience God to lead us to walk through those difficult. More challenges are waiting ahead but we enjoy the parenting life.
Besides, we had family gathering. Both grandfathers came to have big Christmas dinner and celebrate Aidan's birthday at home. Aidan got birthday gifts from uncles and aunties. Another good new from Auntie Carmen, she was pregnant.
The few days Christmas holiday is a busy week. We had gone to the church wedding ceremony on 24th for Auntie Sin Yi and wedding banquet on 29th . PaPa and MaMa decided to take Aidan joining the banquet because wedding should be once for a life and important to Uncle Johnson. Aidan will have many birthday celebrations going forward in his life.
Apart from the gathering and gifts, Aidan got greetings from the colleagues of PaPa and the Nillie's family from US.
The birthday gift from PaPa and MaMa is a set of pictures taking in studio.
At 1 year old, Aidan could say “BaBa”, “MaMa”, “Mum Mum”(food/drinking)and do chapping. He could do waving and 請請 occasionally. Auntie Girlie said he could say “爺爺” but MaMa hadn’t heard of it. Aidan would touch his head when we asked “Where is your head?” However, eating was a problem. He ate less on Sat and Sun. He used to Auntie to do the feeding. He ate and slept less on holidays especially, we stayed outside.